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Feel lighter - Think Fluffy

November 18, 2020 by Vicki Aldridge

I would like to talk to you about my latest concept which is fluffing. Following on from previous blogs on posture, and how to try to sit, stand and walk well (please see below) I would like to add another layer... to fluff.

The idea is to find your best posture for today and then take a nice deep breathe and inflate either the whole of the body, or focus on a particular area to fluff such as your right and left shoulder complex, chest, pelvis, take a deep breathe and think 'fluffy'!  Hopefully it will get some life into your body and  help you breathe more deeply, and make you lighter to help you defy gravity. All of which helps you slow down and expand your breathing, take a moment for you and your body to be more present or mindful, and its hopefully a bit of fun.

As always any questions just ask, and feel free to give me feedback, but ideally just give it a go anytime, anywhere!!

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