Before considering Cranial Osteopathy please note... The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ensures that we do not make 'unsubstantiated claims' about our treatments (i.e. say we can help with a condition if we cannot back it up with scientific evidence). We therefore think it prudent to bring it to your attention that there is actually no ‘scientific’ evidence that cranial osteopathy is effective at all.
However, bear in mind that (because it's not a profitable enough prospect to warrant large scale investment) there have been NO large scale research or trials into cranial osteopathy - so there is just no evidence for or against the effectiveness of Cranial Osteopathy. Also, that regarding General Medicine (used in hospitals and by GP’s) the British Medical Journal's (BMJ) Clinical Evidence cites of interventions (treatments) used; 50% as having ‘unknown effectiveness', 24% as ‘likely to be beneficial' and only 11% as being ‘beneficial’. So it seems even general medicine is not an exact science.
That said, what we do have are many clients that do find general & cranial osteopathy to be beneficial to them. So all we can do is tell you what WE believe to be true, and how we approach treatment.
Cranial osteopathy is a subtle form of osteopathic examination and treatment which can help soothe and relax your body. It can be a useful osteopathic tool for all age groups from babies to the elderly. In adults it can be useful for treating people with sensitive tissues, as well as conditions like headaches and possibly migraines (although these have many other possible causes). Also where baby’s skeletons are softer than an adult’s cranial osteopathy is a particularly useful technique for treating them.
Cranial osteopathy is often used for treating children and newborn infants because it is safe, gentle and non-manipulative. Our osteopaths are qualified to work with babies & children and have spent (and continue to spend) a great deal of time in professional development training. They are also trained to screen for certain medical conditions and will tell you if you need to see another health professional such as your doctor or midwife. It’s also worth noting that osteopathy, cranial or structural, may help relieve the stresses and strains on your body during more physically demanding events such as pregnancy and after birth.
We often get asked how osteopathy particularly cranial osteopathy can help newborn babies. The best way I have found to explain it is to say the three things that a baby has to do a lot of is eat, sleep and poo! - oh and grow!! Osteopaths believe that the healthy balance and function of the musculoskeletal framework of the body is essential for whole body health.
Osteopathy is based on the principle that the structure and function of the body are intimately related. Therefore, if the structure is not in balance then the function is affected, and vice versa. In turn osteopaths can help the body find the changes it needs to make to develop to optimal efficiency. more.