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Cranial Osteopathy and Babies

March 26, 2015 by Vicki Aldridge - Osteopath

We often get asked how osteopathy particularly cranial osteopathy can help newborn babies.   The best way I have found to explain it is to say the three things that a baby has to do a lot of is eat, sleep and poo! - oh and grow!!     

Osteopaths believe that the healthy balance and function of the musculoskeletal framework of the body is essential for whole body health. 

Osteopathy is based on the principle that the structure and function of the body are intimately related.  If the structure is not in balance then the function is affected, and vice versa.  In turn osteopaths can help the body find the changes it needs to make to develop to optimal efficiency.

So lets address the ‘EAT and POO’ issues...  One of the biggest problems for babies can be colic; excessive crying (particularly late afternoon and early evening), pulling up legs, arching backward, clenched fists and generally unsettled and windy tummy.  Colic, although not proven, in my opinion can often occur when the bowels struggle to cope with their new full time role to digest milk.  If the bowels are sluggish or inefficient they could easily get backed up which means baby struggles to digest milk efficiently.  This can mean struggling to swallow milk, pass wind and faeces which can cause excessive pressure in the small and/or large bowel, which as many of us know can be very uncomfortable.  Also poor latching on or sucking can lead to more effort/fatigue and the possibility of more air being swallowed.  Cranial osteopathy can try and address some of these issues from examining, and where appropriate treating;

  •          the neck,  base of the skull, jaw and tongue function which is associated with sucking and swallowing , therefore making sure baby is able to latch on/ feed effectively without swallowing too much air,
  •          the lower back and pelvis, associated with defecation and good bowel function, allowing them to defecate more easily,
  •          the chest, middle back and diaphragm associated general relaxation, breathing mechanics, stomach function and digestion,

And now for SLEEP issues.....we all know that to sleep well we need to find a state of relaxation, and there’s nothing more peaceful than a baby flat out, relaxed and soundly asleep.  However if they have an upset tummy, general stress/tension, or if they are not able to breathe easily, they can struggle to find a state of relaxation, hence poor sleep patterns for you and baby.  Gentle manipulation could soothe and relax your baby.

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