Would You Like To Keep Enjoying Sport into your Forties and Beyond?
Do you want to continue doing the sport you enjoy, into middle age and beyond?
Are you finding your performance is being hampered by twinges of pain and a lack of flexibility?
Don’t assume that it is just “old age” setting in and that nothing can be done. We can help you to continue to enjoy your sport and exercise for years to come.
We have several talented practitioners at the practice but in particular our resident Fitness Nut, Osteopath Andy McGowan is very adept in identifying and treating all types of sports injuries: the rehabilitation of “straightforward” pulled muscles and sprained ligaments for which there is an obvious cause; and sport related aches and pains which arise from the repetitive use of muscles and joints, performing at a sub-optimal level elsewhere in the body.
The cause can be varied and very often the painful structure is merely the “victim” and the criminal is above, below, or even on the other side of the body. Andy will not only help you recover but can also provide treatment for - and advice on - strategies to maximise movement and flexibility in cases where “wear and tear” has been diagnosed, keeping you moving and enjoying your leisure time. We can’t turn back the clock, but we can certainly help slow it down!
Did You Know… a PROMs data collection survey showed that 50.4% of people who visited an osteopath had been experiencing there symptoms for a staggering 13 weeks or more? We can usually see you within 48 hours!
If you would like to have a chat with Andy why not give us a call on 01279 755994, or send us a message via the ‘Free Advice’ button on our website.
There’s no charge and no ‘hard sell’, just straight forward honest advice.